الإحصاءات ومعنى اسم Govekar

الاستخدام: يُستخدم في الاسم الأول بنسبة 2 %، ويُستخدم بنسبة 98 % في اللقب.
تم العثور على Govekar في الاسم الأول 5 مرة في 2 دولة مختلفة. (USA,India)
تم استخدام اسم Govekar في اللقب 212 مرة على الأقل في 8 دولة على الأقل.

      Surname Govekar
الأسماء المُسماة
Shailesh Govekar (2)
Nenad Govekar (1)
Walter Govekar (1)
Tatjana Govekar (1)
Zeljko Govekar (1)
Diethard Govekar (1)
Vaibhav Govekar (1)
Milind Govekar (1)
Priya Govekar (1)
Urmila Govekar (1)
Kiran Govekar (1)

Surname Govekar in USA   

عكس Govekar هو Rakevog
الاسم يحتوي 7 أحرف - 42.86 % منه حروف علة و 57.14 % منه حروف ساكنة.

الجناس Gvoreak Ekvoarg Ekograv Ovreakg Rogveak Raokveg
Misspells: Govekor Govekal Govekarr Gobekar Govekara Gvoekar Govekra Goveakr

القوافي: Dakar Menkar cunninger tunneller publisher dulcimer gunslinger

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Nagraj Govekar says: Indian culture since ancient times had been oral culture knowledge was passed on from generations to generations through oral culture. In india there is a state named "Goa" my great grandfather told me that his ancestors passed this knowledge about their clan through oral culture and the same was he doing by passing that knowledge to our generation. Origin of the state of Goa he says was once ruled by Govekars a large part of land of goa which is now submerged under the arabian sea was once residedby ots people who were called Govekars and the place was known as GOMANTAK SAURASHTRA(country/land of the Govekars) They had a huge fort in which the people from entire gomantak land came once in a year for yearly festival also during this period the people used to come to pay tax to the Govekars who used to stay in fort who used to actualky rule the entire land. Later when it became impossible to recognise people with same last name Govekar a new system was introduced that every Govekar will adopt another surname based on the name of the local region/place where they stayed and this is how later people had forbiden using Govekar as last name instead they only used the new adopted name for sake of convenience of single surname and this is how the only people who used Govekar as surname was the royals who lived in the fort.Later due to natural calamities such as the rising of sea level and the tsunamis in that region the entire land along with the fort was submerged and within due time the people were transferred to other places longing in search of food and shelter all the Govekars got scattered and took refuge wherever they could find place. Due to these calanities only a small region left unsubmerged whoch is now known as 'Gomantak' or "Goa" India.

تم زيارة هذه الصفحة من البلدان التالية United States India Croatia United Kingdom Slovenia Germany United Arab Emirates Austria Canada Singapore Switzerland New Caledonia Hungary Malaysia France Anonymous Proxy

مجالات إنترنت
Govekar.com - REGISTERED
Govekar.net - REGISTERED
Govekar.co.uk - FREE
Govekar.de - FREE

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