الإحصاءات ومعنى اسم Ghiciu

We have no records about Ghiciu being used as firstname.
تم استخدام اسم Ghiciu في اللقب 62 مرة على الأقل في 2 دولة على الأقل. (Romania,UK)
أصل هذا الاسم Bulgarian

الأسماء المُسماة
Constantin Ghiciu (5)
Ioan Ghiciu (4)
Cornel Ghiciu (3)
Ion Ghiciu (3)
Vasile Ghiciu (3)
Ilie Ghiciu (3)
Tudor Ghiciu (3)
Gloria Ghiciu (2)
Pascu Ghiciu (2)
Stela Ghiciu (2)
Florin Ghiciu (2)
Violeta Ghiciu (2)
Maria Ghiciu (2)
Marian Ghiciu (1)
Niculae Ghiciu (1)
Alina Ghiciu (1)
Valeriu Ghiciu (1)
Ioana Ghiciu (1)
Corneliu Ghiciu (1)
Aurina Ghiciu (1)
Augustin Ghiciu (1)
Alexandru Ghiciu (1)
Craciun Ghiciu (1)
Dumitru Ghiciu (1)
Luminita Ghiciu (1)
Liliana Ghiciu (1)
Adrian Ghiciu (1)
Margareta Ghiciu (1)

عكس Ghiciu هو Uicihg
الاسم يحتوي 6 أحرف - 50.00 % منه حروف علة و 50.00 % منه حروف ساكنة.

الجناس Hicugi Gciihu Uhciig Ighicu Higcui Cuigih Gihiuc Icugih Higiuc
Misspells: Ghyciu Ghjciu Gheciu Ghiciua Gihciu Ghicui Ghiicu

القوافي: tissue miscue issue situ mildew

معنى اسم Ghiciu هو: from Bulgarian name [Gico] , or from the word 'ghici' a variant of 'bici' = 'whip' ; see also the Russian name [Gicev]
تم زيارة هذه الصفحة من البلدان التالية United States Bulgaria Romania Thailand United Arab Emirates Australia Germany

مجالات إنترنت
Ghiciu.com - REGISTERED
Ghiciu.net - FREE
Ghiciu.co.uk - FREE
Ghiciu.de - FREE

Old Wiki
Name: Ghiciu
Language: Romanian
Origin: Bulgarian
Meaning: from the Bulgarian name Gico , or from the word ghici a variant of bici = whip ; see also the Russian name Gicev

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