الإحصاءات ومعنى اسم Chylik

We have no records about Chylik being used as firstname.
تم استخدام اسم Chylik في اللقب 85 مرة على الأقل في 5 دولة على الأقل.

      Surname Chylik
الأسماء المُسماة
Gertrude Chylik (3)
Jiri Chylik (3)
Josef Chylik (3)
Frantisek Chylik (2)
Rudolf Chylik (2)
Karel Chylik (2)
Vladimir Chylik (2)
Vilem Chylik (2)
Peter Chylik (2)
Jan Chylik (2)
Roman Chylik (1)
Robert Chylik (1)
Richard Chylik (1)
Oldrich Chylik (1)
Vaclav Chylik (1)
Florian Chylik (1)
Pavol Chylik (1)
Justin Chylik (1)
Jaroslav Chylik (1)
Brigitte Chylik (1)
Milan Chylik (1)
Marian Chylik (1)
Herta Chylik (1)
Ewald Chylik (1)
Tatsiana Chylik (1)
Johann Chylik (1)
Ivo Chylik (1)
Andreas Chylik (1)
Leos Chylik (1)
Ladislav Chylik (1)
Helga Chylik (1)
Hermine Chylik (1)
Regina Chylik (1)

Surname Chylik in Austria   Surname Chylik in USA   

عكس Chylik هو Kilyhc
الاسم يحتوي 6 أحرف - 33.33 % منه حروف علة و 66.67 % منه حروف ساكنة.

الجناس Clyihk Ychilk Lkycih Cyhikl Hycikl
Misspells: Chylyk Chilik Chyljk Chylek Chylika Cyhlik Chylki Chyilk

القوافي: Menelik exilic dactylic panegyric psychic cyclic

Meaning of this name is unknown.
Jan Chylík says: The origin of the surname is no secret: Czech language [1]. The surname originally appeared in the countryside of Bohemia and Moravia (now Czech Republic) during the time of codification of surnames [2]. It is a type of surname that was based on the physical appearance of the holder. It comes from the adjective that can be translated as "stooped" or "crooked" [1]. I.e. one of your ancestors was known in the village either for his stooped posture or his crooked teeth. The original spelling of the name was "Chylík", with the initial 'ch' being a digraph, and 'í' being the just long vowel 'i'. Due to the digraph at the beginning, the original pronunciation of the surname is fairly difficult for native English speakers. In the phonetic transcription it is /xili:k/. There are a very few notable people with this surname [3]: Kvirín Josef Chylík (1760-1832): novelist, playwright, and catholic priest Jindřich Chylík (1882-1961): economist author Reference: [1] dvojka.rozhlas.cz/chylik-8473269 [2] en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Czech_name#Surnames [3] /www.prijmeni.cz/Chyl%C3%ADk/osobnosti

تم زيارة هذه الصفحة من البلدان التالية United States Austria Czech Republic Poland Thailand Germany Chile United Kingdom

مجالات إنترنت
Chylik.com - REGISTERED
Chylik.net - FREE
Chylik.co.uk - FREE
Chylik.de - FREE

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