الإحصاءات ومعنى اسم Boeree

We have no records about Boeree being used as firstname.
تم استخدام اسم Boeree في اللقب 80 مرة على الأقل في 8 دولة على الأقل.

      Surname Boeree
الأسماء المُسماة
Alexandra Boeree (3)
Margaret Boeree (2)
Catherine Boeree (2)
Olivia Boeree (1)
Paul Boeree (1)
Nicholas Boeree (1)
Jenneke Boeree (1)
Maria Boeree (1)
Ingrid Boeree (1)
Simon Boeree (1)
Julie Boeree (1)
Alison Boeree (1)
Alex Boeree (1)
Elaine Boeree (1)
Ena Boeree (1)
Julia Boeree (1)
Henry Boeree (1)
Katrina Boeree (1)

Surname Boeree in Netherlands   Surname Boeree in USA   

عكس Boeree هو Eereob
الاسم يحتوي 6 أحرف - 66.67 % منه حروف علة و 33.33 % منه حروف ساكنة.

الجناس Oerebe Eoreeb Eboere Oebree Reebeo Erebeo Oebeer
Misspells: Boelee Boerree Boereea Beoree Boeere

القوافي: Sheree referee Cree Desiree Legree Tyree tree pre plea dc tlie

Meaning of this name is unknown.
George Boeree says: Boeree is derived from the French Bourée, literally "stuffed" but more likely related to the dance and musical form. It likely derives from the French town Borre, near the Belgian border.

تم زيارة هذه الصفحة من البلدان التالية United States New Zealand United Kingdom Ireland Netherlands Australia Thailand Germany Turkey Italy

مجالات إنترنت
Boeree.com - REGISTERED
Boeree.net - REGISTERED
Boeree.co.uk - FREE
Boeree.de - FREE

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