الإحصاءات ومعنى اسم Billsborough

We have no records about Billsborough being used as firstname.
تم استخدام اسم Billsborough في اللقب 167 مرة على الأقل في 5 دولة على الأقل.

      Surname Billsborough
الأسماء المُسماة
David Billsborough (7)
James Billsborough (4)
Phillip Billsborough (4)
Emma Billsborough (3)
John Billsborough (3)
Ian Billsborough (3)
Judith Billsborough (2)
Robert Billsborough (2)
Hilary Billsborough (2)
Kieron Billsborough (2)
Jonathan Billsborough (2)
Margaret Billsborough (2)
Stephen Billsborough (2)
Thomas Billsborough (2)
Una Billsborough (2)
Sara Billsborough (2)
Paul Billsborough (2)
Marie Billsborough (2)
Matthew Billsborough (2)
Michael Billsborough (2)
Graham Billsborough (2)
Joseph Billsborough (2)
Gail Billsborough (2)
Alan Billsborough (2)
Phyllis Billsborough (1)
Ruth Billsborough (1)
Joyce Billsborough (1)
Phylis Billsborough (1)
Lloyd Billsborough (1)
Edna Billsborough (1)
Peter Billsborough (1)
Philip Billsborough (1)
Sharon Billsborough (1)
Shirley Billsborough (1)
Tracy Billsborough (1)
Norm Billsborough (1)
Wendy Billsborough (1)
Valerie Billsborough (1)
Susan Billsborough (1)
Stanley Billsborough (1)
Maurice Billsborough (1)
Muriel Billsborough (1)
Agnes Billsborough (1)
Corinne Billsborough (1)
Claire Billsborough (1)
Julie Billsborough (1)
Corrine Billsborough (1)
Ella Billsborough (1)
Isabella Billsborough (1)
Elsie Billsborough (1)
Jason Billsborough (1)
Katie Billsborough (1)
Carl Billsborough (1)
Mark Billsborough (1)
Mary Billsborough (1)
Harriet Billsborough (1)
Marion Billsborough (1)
Alice Billsborough (1)
Kirsty Billsborough (1)
Anthony Billsborough (1)
Erika Billsborough (1)

Surname Billsborough in USA   

عكس Billsborough هو Hguorobsllib
الاسم يحتوي 12 أحرف - 33.33 % منه حروف علة و 66.67 % منه حروف ساكنة.

Misspells: Billsbolough Billsborrough Billssborough Byllsborough Bjllsborough Bellsborough Billsborougha Blilsborough Billsborouhg Billsboroguh

القوافي: Gainsborough Marlborough Scarborough borough breakthrough rough thorough

Meaning of this name is unknown.
تم زيارة هذه الصفحة من البلدان التالية United States United Kingdom Canada Thailand Australia

مجالات إنترنت
Billsborough.com - REGISTERED
Billsborough.net - FREE
Billsborough.co.uk - REGISTERED
Billsborough.de - FREE

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